Signing up and using the Peccala platform is free.
Once you’re verified and have invested, we charge three types of fees:
We charge a 20% performance fee on the profit we generate for our customers, on an individual basis every 6 months. That means you will keep 80% of any profits generated.
It also means that if we don’t make you any money over a 6-month period, we don’t charge any performance fee.
The performance fee mechanism is outlined in detail in the article How The 20% Performance Fee Is Calculated And Charged
When you redeem (sell) Peccala Tokens, we will deduct a 0.5% redemption fee on the amount being redeemed, after the performance fee is taken.
We do this to prevent the scalping of our Tokens (buying and selling very quickly), which could negatively impact our tokens and investment performance.
Yes, as with any crypto transaction there will be blockchain fees to pay.
The gas fees fluctuate according to the network you choose, and traffic on that network on that day. You will always see an estimate of the gas fee before you execute a transaction.
This tab will only show performance fees that we have actually deducted from your account - which we only do every 6 months that you stay invested, and when you redeem (sell) your Tokens.
You can see how much performance fee would be due if you redeemed (sold) your Peccala tokens right now by clicking the “Net of the Performance Fee” tooltip under Your Portfolio Balance in your Peccala account. This is dynamic, based on the profits generated in real-time.